63. We call upon the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada to maintain an annual commitment to Aboriginal education issues, including:
iii. Building student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect.
I have chosen to respond to this call to action because I have long believed that children are so much more capable than we give them credit for. I believe that given the opportunity, students can learn big topics such as the history of Indigenous people in Canada. I also believe that younger students are in a crucial time in their lives where they are going to start forming opinions that they will carry on into adulthood. It is our great responsibility to instill them with love, patience, compassion, and understanding to create a better future. I advocate for the idea that teachers have an incredible power to influence their students. I believe that responsible teaching includes a repeated decision to create intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect for all students.
Government of Canada (2021, April 01). Education for reconciliation. Canada.ca. https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1524504501233/1557513602139